Google Core Update: how to increase the ranking on search engines with a website restyling

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As the Webmaster Central Blog already indicated months ago, starting from May 2021, Google has started the rollout of new updates to the algorithm (page experience update) of the search engine. The ranking parameters have therefore changed with a view to greater attention to the User Experience of the website pages.

The quality of the browsing experience, already a priority and essential element for the effectiveness of the “customer journey”, now assumes increasing importance for the reputation of the website, or digital project, with a direct impact on the SEO parameters of the property itself.

We talk mainly (for now!) About layout stability, response time, website speed.

In the overall system of organic positioning, the customer experience in navigation acquires a significant weight, as well as the importance of the same when it occurs from a smartphone (Mobile Friendly and Responsive), together with the traditional and timeless importance of the quality of the contents (for details Update of the Google algorithm: the Page Experience becomes a ranking factor).

The new updates to the Google algorithm: the Page Experience adds other important arguments to support the importance of updating and restyling your ecommerce or website

The online presence and image are growing in importance, as the digital channel is increasingly central to the consolidation and growth of one’s initiatives or companies.

While the difficulties and limited marginal growth of traditional and physical sales channels are evident, on the other hand, the potential market of the online channel always appears to be boundless.

Over the past 5 years, the growth of social media, meta engines and marketplaces has led companies to overshadow the adaptation and optimization of their digital channel: website or e-commerce.

And so, just as the physical retail channel requires constant interventions in terms of store experience and design of the environments, the website (the digital showcase) also requires adjustments and improvements in terms of performance and user experience.

The updating and evolution of the websites allow not only to adapt to the new rules of the Google search engine and consequently to increase the positioning in the search results but also to optimize the investments in advertising that record a constant increase in costs. to acquire traffic from websites.

An updated site, easy and quick to use, obviously mobile first, improves conversion rates and reduces costs per lead and costs per purchase.

The new Google algorithm, too, goes in this direction and underlines a growing presence of marketing criteria and shopping experience, even in the customer’s search and selection process of their interests and purchases.

We have been arguing for some time, and the data prove us right, that periodically renewing the content and design of your website produces new interests and new traffic.

The moment of the restyle of the site or of your e-commerce then allows you to generate an important “hype” to create a real online event and provide a strong communication topic towards your customers and prospects.

DEM (newsletter), social campaigns, personalized invitations, digital PR are perfectly suited to the type of news and message to the market that accompanies the online launch of a renewed site or ecommerce, with the possibility of acquiring leads and activating new audiences for remarketing.

Let us all prepare ourselves, customers, suppliers, digital specialists, etc., to periodically (re) innovate the digital presence, enriching it with beauty, simplicity and pleasantness, and not only by pursuing the adaptation to new algorithms and metaverses … To date the elements and experiences badges have always rewarded SEO results, even in technical terms.

For more information on website restyling, do not hesitate to contact us!


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