Social Wifi: from Facebook to Key-One

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Finding a Wi-Fi as close as possible to the place where we are, is a real obsession. For this reason, Facebook has tried to respond to the needs of its users by implementing the possibility to connect to the closest Wi-Fi, directly within the application. By activating the Facebook app localization services, you can use the “Find Wi-Fi” menu item. A great news for Facebook, but a big boost for Key-One. Within the Key-One business offer, we present social Wi-Fi: access the Wi-Fi network using the main social networks, has never been so easy.

Social Wi-Fi how does it work

The Social Wi-Fi of Key-One allows social network users to have access to the Wi-Fi network of the structure or facility where you are through the fanpage. This facilitates connectivity for customers, but at the same time, it is a great opportunity for business owners to fiddle with customers by gathering their data. How does the social Wifi Key-One work? Just a few simple steps:

  • go to the point of sale
  • Join one of the major social networks: Facebook, LinkedIn, Google+, Twitter
  • Put a like on the Facebook fanpage of the activity

Social Wi-Fi: what is it?

Once we have seen how it works, we can see together what social Wi-Fi is. Social Wi-Fi is a practical way to facilitate access to Wi-Fi’s network of commercial facilities. This service offered by Key-One to its customers allows business to offer an extra service to their customers while at the same time increasing the reputation of their brand. How? Thanks to social media. Through social Wi-Fi, the visibility and presence of their business within the social network is increased thanks to the promotion of products, services and special offers.

Advantages of the Social Wi-Fi

If the benefits to the business owner are clear, let’s see together what are the advantages of social Wi-Fi for the user surfing the web. The first big need that social Wi-Fi responds to, is the ability to surf on the net without limit, thanks to immediate access through social profiles. The user experience is a real digital experience. Each of us when surfing the net is pleasantly surprised if you are experiencing a unique and unforgettable experience.

Social Wi-Fi offers this opportunity in a simple and intuitive way: two key words to impress and attract the customer. Do you want to know more about Key-One Social Wi-Fi? You just have to contact us!


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