Marketing automation what it is and how it works

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In certain work contexts, it is sometimes essential to be able to find tools to facilitate the team’s activities. For this reason, systems that support work are often used to automate marketing processes. Is it possible, therefore, to have a single platform with an intuitive use, capable of encompassing different marketing activities? Let’s see together what Marketing Automation is, how it works and through which tools it is possible to help companies reach their target with the right tools.

  • Marketing automation definition
  • What are the benefits of Marketing Automation?
  • Zoho: Partner of Key-One

Marketing Automation definition

Before understanding its advantages, let’s try to understand if it is possible to define marketing automation. Marketing automation could be defined as a marketing strategy, which aims to integrate software into business processes to automate production activities. It can be used: to develop email marketing campaigns, to manage your leads, to integrate with customer relationship management (CRM), to manage your sales.

What are the benefits of Marketing Automation?

Among the advantages of marketing automation is its close connection with predictive marketing. Thanks to these automation tools it is possible to analyze user behavior and their interest in a specific product or service. A targeted strategy can be devised and their experience converted to the goal they have set for themselves. Among the other advantages, multichannel attribution must certainly be mentioned: which channels of our marketing strategy work best and in which should we continue to invest? Thanks to these tools it is possible to know.

Zoho: Partner of Key-One

Among the software for the automation of marketing activities we want to introduce Zoho, Key-One partner for marketing automation and customer relationship management. What are the benefits of Zoho?

  • CRM: thanks to the customer relation management tool it is possible to collect leads received from different channels (website, social, chat, etc …) and manage them by assigning them to team resources.
  • Reporting: complete reporting on the origin and management of leads
  • Product insertion: the software allows you to insert products with different characteristics
  • Web Site: monitoring and analysis of the traffic present on the site and its behavior
  • Integrated social media management: in the platform it is possible to manage all social media through a single control panel
  • Campaigns: management of all ADV campaigns within the control panel
  • Sales IQ: reporting on the origin of customers, from which source and from which medium they come.

Discover all the Marketing Automation services offered by Key-One: contact us for more information!


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