How to chat with customers with WhatsApp Business API

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If WhatsApp Business was the first big news of 2018 in Italy, in the middle of the year WhatsApp continues with the big news by announcing the launch of the Business API: it will allow companies to send messages to their customers. If you are wondering how it will be possible to chat with customers with the WhatsApp Business API, the first useful information is that it will not be possible to send promotional messages, but only notifications.

  • Who will use API WhatsApp Business
  • The evolution of WhatsApp Business for businesses
  • Chat on WhatsApp via Facebook
  • How to use WhatsApp Business

Who will use API WhatsApp Business

The WhatsApp Business API will initially be used by only 90 companies, among the first the names of airlines and travel companies. A fundamental requirement for the company is that the customer has shared their phone number with her and therefore has started a conversation: API companies will be able to reply on WhatsApp. Receipts for the purchase of a flight, confirmation of the booking of a holiday, no more text messages will arrive but in chat!

The evolution of WhatsApp Business for businesses

This important novelty must be considered a first evolution of WhatsApp Business for companies, created to allow users to communicate with commercial activities. If the business app was especially designed for people, this novelty also wants to make it easier for companies to communicate with their customers, having an official presence on the platform.

Chat on WhatsApp via Facebook

Among the big news is the implementation of the click-to-chat button to Facebook advertisements via Facebook Ads Manager. What’s it about? The sponsored ads visible on Facebook are often accompanied by a button that allows you to chat with the company, or very often with a bot, via Facebook Messenger, soon it will be possible to open a chat also via WhatsApp.

How to use WhatsApp Business

Did our article intrigue you but you don’t know how to use WhatsApp Business? Write to us and you will be contacted by one of our digital specialists who will show you all our services, why not … via WhatsApp!


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