Dynamic Content or Smart Content: how to attract leads and customers

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Dynamic content or smart content, is web content suitable for specific contacts and customers, it can be created through specific software and changes according to their characteristics and is a winning strategy to give the reader a user-friendly digital experience. .

Dynamic content refers to the text that appears on websites and “customized” e-mails, but images can also be dynamic. Dynamic contents are influenced by the previous online behaviors of contacts and customers such as: keyword research on Google, visits to websites, time spent on web pages, online purchases or saving of items in the cart, interactions with marketing campaigns.

Other elements that influence dynamic content are their personal characteristics of contacts and customers, such as age, gender, geographical location.

Localized dynamic content allows a brand to meet the culture of a particular place, offering important details to reinforce a consumer’s idea.

As for campaigns, personalized Google Ads can be created using Google Web designer and linking ad elements to user data feeds.

Compared to static content that never changes, dynamic content is more efficient in building customer loyalty to a brand, and also in convincing them to recommend products or services for sale to other online users.

Some pages with dynamic content may include surveys, infographics, or case studies.

Call To Action or CTAs can also be dynamic, inviting users to click on a link to enter a purchase cycle or to subscribe to a site. Custom calls to action based on user segmentation convert much better than static CTAs.

A striking example of dynamic content are the Netflix and Amazon platforms that offer customers a wide range of titles based on their interests previously demonstrated on the web with their searches, their interactions through the device used.

For those who want to create dynamic content based on their contacts and customers, the main rules to keep in mind are:

  • do not read things that have already been read;
  • not to offer products and services that have already been purchased or downloaded (but rather offer something related to these);
  • do not be repetitive with value propositions and commercial offers that have already won the same customer.

We also remind you that dynamic content can be available not only within web pages but also in the previews of these pages, therefore in the Snippets present various search results of the Google SERP.

How Dynamic Content works: which tools to use and which strategies to adopt

To understand how dynamic content works, it is advisable to know the suitable tools to use. In this regard, we start from CRM or Customer Relationship Management, which has a database where all the interactions with a specific lead or customer acquired are entered.

Each contact or customer who has entered their data on a website through an online form or cart page is organized within the database as a real profile.

At this point, the dynamic criteria must be established based on the data acquired for each contact or customer. For example, if a contact has provided the name of his company, then a dynamic content can be planned for that contact that inserts the name of the company within the text that he will then read. With this expedient, the attention of the contact is immediately attracted, who can dwell on the text to be read much longer than what could happen without the name of his company.

A couple of well-known software useful to create dynamic content are HubSpot, the most famous marketing automation software in the world that can work with CMS and CRM, Content Builder, another cross-channel content management tool with multiple features, and Tiled which offers the ability to create interactive panels and other effective gimmicks on web pages.

These software are able to generate dynamic content based on precise contact and customer data such as nationality, (country of origin determined by the IP address), the language set in the browser, the type of device used, any referral traffic (links clicked to visit the website).

With HubSpot you can set up smart content for website, landing page, CTA, email and newsletter. But it is also possible to propose new online forms to be filled in, with new information to be requested from the contact or customer, which can be used to better understand the details of his purchasing preferences or their lifestyle.

For those who use a CMS like WordPress, dynamic content can be created with a plug-in like If-So that does not require any programming skills and allows you to create smart content quickly and easily.

But it is also possible to do dynamic content with the JavaScript programming language which allows programmers to insert new HTML elements, load CSS files, using encoding.

Customized Emails and A / B Testing: How to understand some content is more suitable

To create customized e-mails, it is always recommended to resort to the so-called A/B tests.

What is an A/B test and what is it for? It is a useful method for testing two versions of the same web content but also two layout versions for the same site, as well as two or more versions of landing pages, or titles for web pages. These versions are sent to various groups of different users and in this way it is possible to understand which version of content works best based on the KPIs or Key Performance Indicators.

The data collected by A/B testing can be used to obtain numerous advantages such as increasing traffic on web pages, landing pages and increasing the conversion rate. Here are the data to be collected with A / B testing, useful for improving your marketing strategies: time spent on the site, bounce rate or bounce rate, Click to Rate or CTR, average cart value or CRO, number of abandoned carts, conversions and micro-conversions.

Some software for A/B testing are: Lucky Orange, Zooh Campaigns, Upflowy.


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